Brave Frontier Zenia Omni Evolution silhouette, Zenia Omni Evolution revealed - Void Walker Zenia
BF Global 3rd Anniversary is on it's way in November this year. To celebrate this, Gumi will be releasing Zenia Omni Evolution for the die-hard fans. Here is Zenia's Omni evolution preview, enjoy!
Note: Zenia's skill was buffed along the scheduled maintenance at 7th December 2016!
Void Walker Zenia (Omni Evo)
Lord-type Stats:
Max HP: 7850 [1250]
Max Atk: 3500 [800]
Max Def: 2400 [500]
Max Rec: 2400 [400]
17 (3 BC/hit)
Leader Skill – Warden of the Void
100% boost to Atk, 40% boost to max HP, raises normal hit amount (1 hit, 50% dmg/hit), Spark damage boosts BB gauge (2-3 BC) & greatly boosts Spark damage (120%) for 2 turns when Sparks exceed certain amount (>15 Spark Counts)
Brave Burst – Void Shift: Dimensional Blade (20 BC)
25 combo powerful Dark attack (1000%) on single foe, considerably boosts BB gauge (10BC fill ALL –except self), adds Def ignore effect to attack for 2 turns & boosts own Spark damage (50%) for 3 turns
Super Brave Burst – Void Walk: Warp Storm (26 BC)
30 combo powerful Dark attack (700%) on all foes, raises normal hit amount (+1 Hit, 100% dmg/hit) for 3 turns, greatly boosts Spark damage (130%) for 3 turns & boosts own Atk (100%) for 3 turns
Ultimate Brave Burst – Void Trigger: Quantum Chaos (30 BC)
40 combo massive Dark attack (1500%) on all foes, hugely raises normal hit amount (+3 Hits, 200% dmg/hit) for 3 turns, enormously boosts Spark damage (300%) for 3 turns & enormously boosts Atk (350%) for 3 turns
Extra Skill – Crossing Dimensions
30% boost to all parameters & considerably raises normal hit amount (+2 Hits, 130% dmg/hit) when Obsidian Core Amplifier is equipped
SP Skills:
[10 SP] 50% boost to Atk
[10 SP] 50% boost to Atk when HP is over 50%
[10 SP] 50% boost to Atk when BB gauge is over 50%
[10 SP] 70% boost to Spark damage
[10 SP] Boosts 70% Spark damage to 100% Spark damage
[30 SP] Slightly reduces damage (25%) for 1 turn when damage dealt has exceeded certain amount
[50 SP] Adds normal attacks hit all foes for 3 turns effect to SBB
[30 SP] Enhances SBB's damage dealt (50%) by normal hit amount increase effect
[30 SP] Enhances SBB's normal hit amount (1) increase effect
[40 SP] Allows UBB's buff effects to last 4 turns
[Omni Lore]
The demigod known as Zenia is said to possess the power to manipulate the gates across worlds. In light of this information, the fallen demigod Gazia committed an act most heinous: he turned Zenia into a mechanical weapon of terror. Despite her ordeal, Zenia's spirit remained strong for centuries and endured the torment inflicted upon her. Were it not for one madman's lust for power, Zenia most certainly would've had the potential to become one of Athensphere's greatest heroes-—if not the greatest. Reports taken from Summoners during the appearance of the void rift over Grand Gaia gave similar testimonies on sighting a heavily augmented cybernetic warrior, later identified as Zenia. Reports also indicated that it was Zenia who single handedly closed the void rift, but at the cost of her own life. To give a rough estimate on the amount of power required to execute such a feat, Noel-—head of the Summoner's Research Lab-—revealed that the task would demand at least a thousand times the energy needed to power the entire Imperial Capital Randall for a month. Had Zenia's abduction been prevented, it is quite likely she would've become one of Gazia's greatest obstacles and an invaluable ally to Zedus. Zenia's ability to traverse the void between worlds might have been the demigod's last hope for escape. Her sacrifice might've condemned her own kind to the void for all eternity, but her actions have prevented Gazia's influence from spreading into the world of Grand Gaia.